
McKesson authors approximately 40 Growth Factor and Antiemetic regimens. If your practice’s preferred supportive care regimens are unavailable, you can use this feature to create your own.

Within Data Management > Supportive Care Regimen Management, you can:

  • Review the McKesson-authored supportive care regimens

  • Create practice-specific supportive care regimens

  • Deactivate McKesson-authored supportive care regimens so they do not appear as an option in analysis views.

The treatment regimens within Regimen Profiler are authored to indicate if Antiemetics or Growth Factors are recommended based on their cited reference or NCCN guidelines.

Growth Factors

Growth Factors are automatically added to the treatment regimen analysis view when the risk of neutropenic fever is high (>20%).


Antiemetics are automatically added to the analysis view of a treatment regimen based on the following categories:

Emetic Risk Category

Treatment Regimen Authored to indicate the number of doses per cycle of:

High (>90%)

Long Acting and Short Acting Antiemetics

Moderate-High (60-90%)

Long Acting and Short Acting Antiemetics

Moderate (30-60%)

Long Acting and Short Acting Antiemetics

Low (10-30%)

Short Acting Antiemetics

Minimal (<10%)


When authoring practice-specific antiemetic regimens, please include a long-acting 5HT3 antagonist and a short-acting 5HT3 antagonist. This will increase the accuracy of the analysis by populating the appropriate antiemetic based on the emetic risk of the selected treatment regimen(s).